Hello Santa Maria Artists!

In order for us to select an artist to create a design for this year’s Santa Maria Open Streets T-shirt and poster, we will need you to submit a rough concept of what you might create for this years event by Monday, January 27. The final design will need to be family friendly, positive, convey the spirit of the event and most of all, be FUN!  See Photos and the map from last year for inspiration.

To submit ideas, email Daniel Girard at danielgirard@mac.com.  

There are some technical requirements for art to be able to be printed on a T-Shirt. Artwork has to be made of solid lines and filled areas and no more than 4 solid colors. We can go over this more in detail, but in the example below, you’ll notice that there are only a few colors used. 


Here are some examples of past T-Shirt art, poster art and also some links to photos from last years event. These are provided as a guide only – not to be used as inspiration. We are looking for a fresh, new design!


This is a revised concept from last years art that we considered using this year before deciding to commission a new piece:



Last year’s design:

2017 in Carp – 2-color repurposed from 2015 3-color design:

2015 3-color design using photos from previous events:

2014 (using old logo):


Last years poster:

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